الكتروسول سائل


Product Description

- Electrosol Oral is a well-balanced combination of dextrose and the electrolytes sodium, phosphate, citrate, chloride, and potassium in order to correct electrolyte and fluid losses and acid-base imbalances. 

- Dextrose provides energy and enhances sodium absorption in the intestine. 

- Sodium absorption is also enhanced by the addition of the amino acid glycine. 

- By enhancing sodium uptake, water will follow and hence rehydration is improved. During diarrhea, sodium and chloride losses are substantial. 

- By administration of Electrosol Oral these losses can be compensated.



- Stimulates the recovery from dehydration

- Corrects loss of several electrolytes

- Corrects acid-base imbalance



- Dextrose - Sodium chloride - Glycine - Sodium dihydrogen phosphate - Potassium chloride - Sodium citrate



1 ml per liter of drinking water for 2-4 days


Package Size

1 liter



Interchemie (Netherland)